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  • Why should I buy a new Grip?
    Like in tennis, a grip will wear down after a certain amount of usage. Applying a new grip not only looks and feels amazing but it improves the sharpness and style of your game.
  • How do I wrap my paddle with an Overgrip?
    Watching a quick YouTube tutorial video should suffice, if not, contact us.
  • What is the difference between the V500 and V700 series pickleball paddles?
    The V500 Series pickelball paddles are formed with a traditional polypropylene core. The V700 Series pickleball paddles are engineered with an all-new polycarbonate core, using patent-pending processes to formulate high-level paddles with new technology.
  • Can I be a Podium Pickleball Ambassador?
    Yes, there will be an Ambassador Program put in place in the very near future. Contact us if you are interested in Joining!
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